2:30 Arrive + Setup
3:00 Sound Check
Mics In Place, Officiant Mic’ed
Test music and mics
4:00 Pre Ceremony / Guests Arrive
Pre-Ceremony Music Begins (Dj Playlist)
4:20 Ceremony
Fiance Parents
Bride Mom
Bride Dad
Ring Exchange
Recession Song:
5:00 Cocktails
Mr and Mrs Johnson, Emilie and Bryan
Short Speech + quick thank yous
6:00 Dinner Buffet Style
6:45 Speeches:
Bryans Dad
Emilie’s Parents
7:00 Reception Begins
First Dance: NEEDS SONG
Parents Dance: NEEDS SONG
8:30 Last Call
9:00 Ending, Last Song: Song Homework: NEEDS SONG
9:30 Play light music while people clean up, begin to pack up
11:00 Out of Venue